WFS is a facility/structure established in evacuation camps, transitional sites or communities to address the practical and strategic needs of women during crisis situation, especially natural or man-made disasters. It aims to respond to the effects of displacement and vulnerability of women to crisis situations through the provision of wide range of services to help them cope with their situation and prepare them for their return to communities.
- Provide safe and accessible space for internally displaced women
- Increase awareness among women and community members on issues related to well-being, women's rights, sexual and reproductive health (SRH) and gender-based violence (GBV)
- Ensure access of internally displaced women to economic activities and other services
- Enhance knowledge and skills of internally displaced women to enable them to participate and have control on matters concerning their needs and interest
- Gender Awareness Education and Information Sessions
WFS facilitators disseminate information about WFS and its services, as well as raise awareness of women on the prevention of gender-based violence - Service Delivery
Access to services such as psychosocial support, reproductive health, cash for work, life skills using the Gender and Equality and Women Empowerment Framework - Partnership and Networking
WFS may be used for gender awareness and education on women's empowerment and gender equality targeting men and boys
Immediately after disaster:
Internally-displaced women and children, especially pregnant and lactating
women, women with disabilities, household heads, and young women in
evacuation camps, transitional sites and disaster-affected communities
During early recovery:
WFS may be used for gender awareness and education on women’s
empowerment and gender equality targeting men and boys
- Region VI: Roxas City, Cartes, and Concepcion, Iloilo Province
- Region VIII: Tacloban City, Palo, Tanauan, Dulag, and Tolosa, Leyte; Guiuan, Mercedes, Salcedo, Gen MacArthur, Balangiga, Quinapondan, Balangiga, Lawaan, Giporlos, and Balangkayan, Eastern Samar
- Region XI: New Bataan, Monkayo, and Compostela, Compostela Valley Province