The Sheltered Workshop is a community-based facility designed to provide training and productive employment for persons with disability (PWD) and older persons (OP) by producing and selling goods or services for additional income.
- To provide capability building activities for PWDs and OPs.
- To provide employment for PWDs and OPs who can function under controlled environment.
- To advocate for community support for PWDs and OPs, especially persons with developmental disability.
- To provide opportunities to parents, siblings, and community members to actively participate in the rehabilitation of person with disability and older persons, whichever is applicable.
- To strengthen the expertise of staff/ workers in operationalizing sheltered workshop, specifically designed to meet the needs of person with disability and older persons.
- To provide Older persons the opportunity to continue working and contributing to society while enjoying a reasonable quality of life.
- To increase community awareness on issues that affects both the PWDs and OPs
- To lessen if not to curb the prevalence of mendicancy
Capability Building
Strengthening/ harnessing knowledge, attitudes and skills of the community leaders and the project staff involved to enable them to understand how to care and how to handle persons with disabilities -
Vocational Training
This involves training of project workers by MDO or MDA or equivalent staff in a particular trade, arts a nd crafts. This also enable them to acquire skills, enhance self- esteem and chance of employment and ultimately become productive -
Social Skills Training
Training of PWDs and OPs along social skills to prepare them for integration in the community. These includes personal hygiene, self-care, health and security, communications, travels and working with others, understanding of work preparations and management of savings -
Education of parents, siblings and interested community members
Provision of opportunities to parents, siblings and community leaders to be oriented/ trained on the subject of PWDs and OPs and their care and management, especially of person with developmental disability
- Region I: Asingan, Pangasinan
- Persons with Disability
- Older Persons
- Parents, siblings, guardians and carers of PWDs