Modified Social Stress Model (MSSM)
A global framework for understanding the nature of the street children recovering from substance use and abuse. In DSWD, it is used as a tool in assessing the specific needs of children recovering from substance used and abused in residential care facilities.
Improve management of children in need of special protection by using the MSSM framework in the DSWD centers/ residential facilities and other LGUs and NGOs operating residential care facilities
- Institutionalize the use of MSSM tool in identifying the specific risk and protective factors affecting the client as well as in designing a responsive intervention plan
- Guide the implementers (social workers and other members of the intervention team catering to CNSP on the use of MSSM
- Formation of Intervention
- Case Management
• Improved assessment of clients
• Developed responsive intervention plans
• Improved movement of cases
• Sustained development of cases